If you are interested in a higher level of participation with the Pensacola Navy League the Admiral’s Club may be for you. The Admiral’s Club provides a unique experience by providing extra support and leadership to the Pensacola Navy League’s local programs and in turn gets access to special events. The Admirals’ Club hosts a variety of additional and special events throughout the year. Some examples include; “Meet the Boss” luncheons and a professional lecture series. These events are exclusively for Admiral’s Club members.
Meet the Boss: A series of presentations by local unit Commanding Officers. Generally a luncheon event held at the Officers Club on board NAS Pensacola
Speaker Series: An opportunity to hear presentations on a variety of topics from notable local and visiting subject matter experts.
Tours: An opportunity to visit ships, stations, units and facilities in the local and regional area. Information will be made available on Upcoming Events Page as dates approach.